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Interested in Advertise Your

Family-Friendly Business With Us?



Your Support Makes an Impact

At P.A.C.E. (Professional Advising & Career Empowerment), we believe that early educators deserve the very best!  The cost of professional development should not be the reason why they choose not to participate,  With many making just slightly over minimum wage, your generous donations help to ensure we can continue to provide top quality professional development at no or very low cost.


To thank you, donors are recognized on our Sponsor Page!


Please consider helping us in our mission to take care of those who lovingly take care of young children!  We thank you in advance for your support!

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Looking for an affordable way to advertise your family- friendly business?  Our professional development workshops and services platform is a wonderful way to reach hundreds of  people each month!  When you advertise with us, your business is advertised at the start and at the end of our workshops and events.  We also will include information about your business (such as weblinks or contact information in our email correspondences as we advertise programs and services, as well as when we  send follow up information after our events!  By connecting your family-friendly business with our programs and services, you have the potential of reaching thousands more customers each month, as childcare professionals are often connected with the families of children in their class, people throughout their communities and their own family members!  


Advertising with us, starts at just $25 for the entire month!  That's a lot of business exposure!  In addition, if you're available, we may also be able to allow you a short period of time at the start or the end of our live virtual events to speak about your business and further educate our participants on what you have to offer!


Sound like an interesting way to advertise to you?  GREAT!  Fill out our contact form and let us know you want to advertise with us!  Someone will be in contact with you shortly.  (Note:  Advertising slots must be paid for at least 5 days prior to the upcoming month to ensure a full month of advertising exposure - contact us for additional details)


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